Lose the stress and save time on your Thanksgiving road trip

N.P. Just talkin’ bout a little road trip…

The last few years, a reasonable amount of stress has been alleviated by the ease with which travelers can buy tickets and check bags without needing to scramble for family and friends on Thanksgiving.

For many friends and family members, that shift to more ubiquitous travel has in turn created additional challenges of its own. Writing in The Atlantic, Circle of Moms blogger Savannah Kay offered a little perspective on the extra stress for traveling with children.

“Perhaps, among the list of gifts, you bought yourself some family time … but leaving it to the last minute for your plane flight isn’t a very family-friendly way to celebrate Thanksgiving,” she wrote.

One parent, lamenting the fact that he had to go from the airport to his child’s dance class two hours later than planned, wrote the following for Circle of Moms:

“I am working for two hours before leaving the house for rehearsal, and then it takes an hour for me to pack my bags and get off the plane. It’s ridiculous, why are there not four hours before we can get this done? This is the first time in my entire life that I have been forced to miss dance rehearsal with my daughter, because of a plane being delayed!”

Mr. Kay, on the other hand, was delighted by the hand he was dealt in the notoriously unpredictable air travel universe, writing:

“Wait … there’s even more joy to be had from having to put in extra time at work and then by getting off the plane one hour late (with a canceled flight) so I could have my daughter perform at her Dance recital.”

The fact that the commute to the airport wasn’t so stressful may explain the spike in air travel, when a shorter trip to the Thanksgiving gathering might have occurred, according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. But if that wasn’t enough, the food—a royal pain—certainly adds to the stress.

So, have your travels prepared—and save yourself and those around you from even more the misery of the Thanksgiving road trip.

Plus, you might have just made another friend who loves your travel service.


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